May 31, 2010

Daily Snippets blog review


The Blog: My Daily Snippets is a signed owned by Lulu, a housewife who is raising their child in both American and Filipino way. My Daily Snippets is a place where Lulu can share important things to share with us, the world where she lives, her passion and her life in general. I say her posts are random most of the time. Wait! Are you not David’s wife? Wow, pretty interesting, huh! The site also accepts advertisement so everyone, who would love to advertise, just go to her place.

Impressions: The layout of the whole place is made of three columns, a banner, and a bottom column. I say the layout is simple. Nevertheless, simplicity is beauty right! The main color of the place is green. I bet she loves green. What do you think? Anyway, I think the sidebars are well-organized, same with the bottom part.

Contents: Random posts are being posted here. As I said, anything under the sun. Anyway, you will love reading them because you’ll learn a bunch of new things. Check her post about The Top Beaches in USA. Here, she shares the top ranking beach for a perfect getaway this summer. These beaches were compiled by Dr Beach, the moniker of Dr. Stephen Leatherman, director of Florida International University's Laboratory for Coastal Research.

Suggestion: I guess it is better to put her “About the Blog” section in the upper corner in one of her sidebars. Seriously, when I saw her blog, the first thing I searched is this section. I guess this part is important so you better fill it with what you want us to know.