May 31, 2010

Mom Gen Craft Corner


Personally, scrapbooking is one of my hobbies. I buy already made scrapbook materials from bookstores and other stores that sell them. Well, most of my friends told me that it is a money wasting hobby so sometimes, I use recycled materials. Buttons from my old clothes, cut-outs from magazines and other varieties of things that I can still use.

I have been to Etsy site a number of times before. Most of the shops I saw there were selling jewelries. But now, for the first time, I saw a shop that sells plastic envelopes. Perfect for my scrapbooking materials. Mom Gen’s shop here at etsy sells quality plastic envelopes in all sizes, an ideal place to store my small trinkets, buttons, pins, cut-out papers, and more. She’s also selling Hard Punch Circles available in blue, pink, green, and orange. I can see myself using them for my end-of-summer scrapbook project.

She also has another site that sells scrapbook supplies. Check out GenGenStudio. Just look at those scrapbook embellishments, whoa, I am craving to have them. That Happy Father’s Day rubber stamp, my father would be happy to receive it. After this summer, he will fly back to the other country to work. I know she can give satisfaction to her every customer.

So, who’s Mom Gen, the woman behind these? Mom Gen is the owner of Mom Gen Crafts Corner, a blog with a cute blue background and an artistic banner. She is a married woman to a wonderful guy as she says. A freelance designer, a blogger, beader, crafter, music lover, a friend, a sister, a child of God, what more could I say.

Her blog features sellers from either Etsy or Artfire. Sharon of Night Sky Jewel, Victoria of Wire Wrapped Jewelry, and Erika of Price Designs and Price Originals were just some of the lucky sellers who were already given high quality reviews here. If you want to be featured in her blog, just contact her. It’s free.

Her blog also contains details about the products she is selling online. Just look at these 24 Pieces of 4x6 Patterned Scrapbooking Paper. These kinds of papers are best to use in your scrapbook for touch of unique and colorful background. It is also ideal for your school projects. Remember, presentation of the project always counts.

You can also connect to her via Twitter as happymomian and on facebook.

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A Teacher's Online Portfolio blog review

Rache The Teacher

A Teacher’s Online Portfolio is owned by Rachelle, a public school teacher here in Saipan, CNMI. This blog is a compilation of useful resources and sites for all the subjects she teaches. She also posts some of her teaching experience, classroom decoration and activities here.

Layout: The layout looks like a diary complete with a pen that serves as a search engine. There is also a cup of coffee on small plate with a spoon on it. The idea is the whole place looks like it was placed on a table of some sort. Sidebar was also arranged and categorized neatly. A sign that she’s a real teacher because I believe that teacher’s should be neat in their working place. There’s also posts navigation on every posts so everyone would be able to read posts related to what they are currently reading. Anyway, I think you will definitely love the theme.

Content: Teacher Rachelle publishes posts in relation with what she teaches. She also tries to connect what she teaches on real life situations. Just check out her post about the moon and the planet Venus. She stated that on she taught her students the earth and solar system this fourth quarter and then she gave them an assignment regarding how the moon change phases every day. The idea of the planet Venus above the moon gave her inspiration for her work. Her students also saw how the moon and the stars were arranged that day. She also said how glad she was when her students seem so amazed at what happened after that day.

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Random Blog Contest blog review


Random Blog Contest is an online contest blog/directory owned and maintained by Jenn. The idea of this blog is simple. This blog is place where you can find a list of contests to join online.

Layout: The layout is simple. I say it is neat and organized. There are 100 X 100 ad place here so if you want to advertise something, just ask them, contact them via their e-mail. The sidebar has also been arranged and categorized and I think it is just ideal for this kind of blog to have this kind of template.

Contents: Random Blog Contest contains a list of contests that anyone can join online. So, I guess, sometimes there may be a limitation. Example is, this contest is international while this one is only available to a certain country like UK. Also check out Obstacles and Glories Blog Anniversary Giveaway, the contest deadline is up to June 14 so anyone can still join. Just make sure to follow the instruction indicated to join it.

Suggestions: I guess it would be better if the contests are categorized whether it is international or just available on a certain country across the globe. Most readers would look for contests open international while others would want to be strict and choose to join local contests only.

RBC publishes fresh contents everyday so it would be better for those who are contests addicts to subscribe here via e-mail to receive daily updates. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions for the site, just email them at .

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My Mom's Best


My Mom’s best is a site created Sherry for the love for her mom. Wow, sweet isn’t it.

Layout: The layout is quite simple. The idea is it is pure white and plain. There is a foggy image that serves as a background and the whole area is transparent and the theme has only two columns.

Content: The blog does not only contain things about her mom, she also posts things related to herself. I think it also serves as her personal blog in a way. See her post regarding what she thinks about smoking, ear piercing or getting a tattoo. We’ll anyway, I think I don’t want to get in that hobby. Okay, I have my ear pierced since birth and it is because my mom wants me to be pierced while I am still a baby. She said my ears were still soft during those time.

Suggestion: Hmm, actually, I think, if this blog is dedicated to her mom, she should only post things about her moms and what she think about motherhood and topics related to that. I also believe that she should change her layout. We’ll, it is not because I think the place looks really simple but because I think that because she have her domain name, she should also think about getting a blog makeover for her place. A good name plus a good layout. Instant make-over. Anyway, if she doesn’t want to change her layout, I think her sidebar deserves to be organized a bit.

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Show Me the Money blog review


Is this the right page? Did the link redirect me to another page? I didn’t convince myself that this already the site I have been looking for. It was just a matter of time when I told myself that this is the right page.
Show Me the Money is a blog owned by Lankapo from Malaysia which is soledy made for Money Making tips and ideas, the title says it already. The whole blog is based on Facebook layout. I was really amazed at how the whole page was made. Even the navigation bar, they look exactly the same. And also the comment area. I love how Lanka made this site.

There are also posts recommendations on the bottom of every blog posts. I believe these post recommendation thingy is the best way to keep a thread alive. Keep these plug-in up!

For those who want to make money online, visiting this site is a must for everyone. Not only it will help us to understand how money moves in these PTC and PTP sites, we can also get the latest news about them fresh from the experts.

This site helped me to realize that there’s much more thing about blogging, that it is not only about yourself and but you can also share them to everyone. I also read in her post that there is such thing as Blogspot Site Map in Web Master Tools. I don’t know that something like that exists. So Google uses your Sitemap to learn about the structure of your site and to increase coverage on your WebPages. Thanks Lanka for the info.

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Home and Parenting blog review


Home and Parenting. These are what we would all experience when we have our very own family. This is what motivates Mye to create this site. Home and Parenting was created to share information about home and parenting for mothers and fathers lurking out in the blogosphere. Most of the articles here tackle things about home, children, parents and everything within the household.

Author: Mye is a mom who has twin daughters who finds blogging a diversion from the serious and busy life in the city as a working mom. She firmly believes that parenting is not just a matter of rearing up the children but a continuous process of learning and growing up.

Layout: The layout of Home and Parenting has a touch of the vintage color, the color of the parchments that was used years ago by our ancestors. It is also the color of old books that we stock up in our shelves. I believe this means that you will truly realize being a parent when you get older. As time goes by, as time flies while you were looking at how your children grow, you will realize how hard it is. I also love the artistic style of making the navigation, a book and pages made to look like a heart. I guess it because that being a parent means loving.. And you can’t be a good parent if you don’t have love in your heart.

Contents: This site features post of moments she have along with her family. Check her post about the Reciprocal of being a Mother. She shares how they celebrated Mother’s Day and how she was surprised by her husband and her twins. How sweet!

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Ling Life to the Fullest blog review


Living Life to the Fullest. That’s what Levy believes everyone must do so, to inspire everyone, she made a blog entitled, Living Life to the Fullest.

Author: Levy is a Filipina, a mom of a 2-year old boy, a wife of a geeky husband, and a woman who gave up her career for her family and is now a housewife and taking care of them.

Layout: The place has a green background and cream for the main page. It is composed of three columns and a banner. The buttons on the sidebars are organized and categorized that gives a neat impression to readers like us. I also love hoe her page stats buttons were arranged. It looks cool and unique at the same time. Her signature on the bottom of every post looks very much artistic to me. The way the flowers and the leaves were made is very much creative.

Contents: The contents were solely made to let us realize that we should live our life to the fullest. Check this inspiring story of a Baby Jonathan who was deaf from birth, but received a cochlear implant at 8 months. The way his expression changes when the device is turned on and he hears his mother’s voice for the first time is pretty amazing. His father videotaped the moment. And I know from that moment, I greatly want to thank Levy for sharing this.

Suggestions: I suggest using another background for the page. I think the color does not complement cream.

Live our life to the fullest everyone!

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The Pinay Blogger blog review


The Pinay Blogger is owned by Jade, a Filipina-Dutch. She made this blog solely to share tips on improvement, personal development and family.

Author: Jade is a lady who was born in Manila. She was married to a Dutch man for about six years already and she’s a Dutch at nationality but I daresay she’s still a Pinay at heart. She started blogging on the first month of 2008 and have liked it ever since then.

Layout: The layout looks unique to me. I love the way the theme was made. The main color of the blog is cream and I am so much surprise that it looks good with that. I also adore the idea of putting those social feeds above the book shelf. It is like they are part of the banner at all.

Contents: The place contains topics mostly about tips and things about her life. Check out “Family’s Health”. Here she talks about how being sick means the need to earn more money. And then she suggested finding a good health insurance is a good idea for me, because everyone should prepare for the future and not always deal with the past. Health is a serious topic and everyone should be knowledgeable and smart enough to live a happy and healthy life.

Suggestions: Hmmm, I don’t really have much suggestion to deal with. I just think that her “Meet the Pinay Blogger” section should be put somewhere on top of the sidebar. It would be easier for readers like me to get to know well the author of a certain blog that we like.

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Diva Fabulosa blog review


Diva Fabulosa. The title itself says, it is about fashion and being fabulous. Diva Fabulosa is a place dedicated for love, fashion and celebrities. It is what girls want right! So, it is what they give.

Layout: The layout of the blog is simple. Brown, pink and white. Just with the banner, you will realize what place have you gone into. A fabulous girl holding shopping bags. Hey girl, fashion should be your passion. Anyway, the sidebar is organized in a manner that they are categorized so that they may look neat and clean. Good job!

Contents: This blog contains topics about celebrities around the globe. It also contains the latest fashion trend and things the most girls would want to talk about. Check Skinny on Lindsay post. Most girls would love to read it, I bet. Most of the posts here contain a photo to help us visualize what the topic is all about.

Something I want to Say: First of all, when I hear the word fashion, pink is the first color that comes out from my mind. Pink is fashion statement for most girls, so, I think I’m a bit disappointed when the blog has a dark color as its background. I believe lighter color is the best. It looks livelier in that way. I also want to suggest to remove the little not so noticeable until you scroll down at the bottom of the page emoticon, I think, that looks like this, “ "> ”. Well, don’t ask me why I suggested it. I know that you already know what I meant by that.

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Blog Appetite blog review


A scrapbook inspired blog, Blog Appetite is owned by Mye. This place became her getaway from the serious and busy life as a working mom on the city, apart from being a part-time digiscrapper and an event coordinator. Here is where she posts her daily adventures with almost anything. Mye is already married for 4 years now and they already have twin daughters who have been her inspiration in attaining all her goals in life. “They are the best thing that ever happened to me,” she says.

Site’s Layout: Bog Appetite is a scrapbook inspired blog that contains 3 columns. I say it is what it is because Mye is a self-confess digital scrapbook maker. Personally, I love scrapbooking. Yes, it may be costly but when you are done with your scrapbook project, you will realize sooner that it is worth it at all. I guess the theme gave justice to what being a scrapbook maker is all about. Anyway, the layout was made by Gisele Jaquenod, nice layout you got here. The site recommendation plug-in (I guess) is a good gadget that every blogs should have. It will help to keep your blog topic alive.

Contents: This is a personal blog so most of the posts here are personal things, something related with Ms.Mye of course like something about her beautiful twin kids. See My Little Posers. You will have a chance then to see how cute her kids are, and how they are growing to become little lady princesses. She also posts her digiscrap creations here. Check out her latest creations of album for her friend. Mmm, how sweet. Maybe I should try digiscrapping too.

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Daily Snippets blog review


The Blog: My Daily Snippets is a signed owned by Lulu, a housewife who is raising their child in both American and Filipino way. My Daily Snippets is a place where Lulu can share important things to share with us, the world where she lives, her passion and her life in general. I say her posts are random most of the time. Wait! Are you not David’s wife? Wow, pretty interesting, huh! The site also accepts advertisement so everyone, who would love to advertise, just go to her place.

Impressions: The layout of the whole place is made of three columns, a banner, and a bottom column. I say the layout is simple. Nevertheless, simplicity is beauty right! The main color of the place is green. I bet she loves green. What do you think? Anyway, I think the sidebars are well-organized, same with the bottom part.

Contents: Random posts are being posted here. As I said, anything under the sun. Anyway, you will love reading them because you’ll learn a bunch of new things. Check her post about The Top Beaches in USA. Here, she shares the top ranking beach for a perfect getaway this summer. These beaches were compiled by Dr Beach, the moniker of Dr. Stephen Leatherman, director of Florida International University's Laboratory for Coastal Research.

Suggestion: I guess it is better to put her “About the Blog” section in the upper corner in one of her sidebars. Seriously, when I saw her blog, the first thing I searched is this section. I guess this part is important so you better fill it with what you want us to know.

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Musings of Life blog review


The Site: Musings of Life is a blog owned by David. This place is a reflection and musings of a man who is happily married and all. Here, he will share with you, on a bumpy ride the triumphs and success as well as his struggles in life.

The Author: David. A friend, a husband, a father and a son. He is a satisfied and contented guy, married to her best friend, and was blessed with two daughters. He is currently living a simple and happy life with his wife Lulu and their daughter Andrea Lorene.

Layout: I can feel the relaxing vibe of this layout. I think it’s because of the beach background touch here. The man and the little girl on the banner, I suppose is David and her child. They look so sweet together nonetheless. At first, you’ll see a two column page here but when you scroll down a bit farther, you’ll realize that it’s really a three column layout. Cool right!

Content: So, this blog contains personal posts, about memories, thoughts, opinions and all. But, you’ll never leave without something. Check out Nostalgia #2: Hover Disc. Here, David shares his experience, reminiscing the past when they bought a Hover Disc. So, there is such thing as an innovative hover disc. I learned something new today. I bet his wife is a smarty gal. Anyway, you can also get tips and ideas here. See his post about stretch mark. Yeah! Most girls hate stretch mark. I hate it myself too. It’s depressing for us to have it. Anyway, when you read his post about that, you’ll realize girl, or guy (who can just tell it to your girl friend), that you can always use a stretch mark cream to lessen it.
Hope you’ll learn more while reading them!

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Wonderful Things in Life blog review

Wonderful Things In Life

Okay, we will review Wonderful Things in Life today. This place is owned by once again, and yours truly, Mom Gen. A married woman to a wonderful guy, a freelance designer, a blogger, beader, crafter, music lover, a friend, a sister, a child of God. Mom Gen is also the owner of Mom Gen Crafts Corner, a place where she gives quality reviews of sellers’ sites from Etsy and Artfire. She sells quality plastic envelopes in all sizes, and scrapbook materials too. Oh, I love her products. Check her shops at Etsy and Artfire and make sure to take your time choosing on what to buy.

Layout: Anyone would love the cute background of this place. Though Mom Gen is sure is a busy woman, she always grabs opportunities to show us how she loves being a mom and mother to her child. Same with the banner, oh, she’s so sweet. I suppose the beautiful girl on the banner of her blog is her child. She’s lovely. And that’s the spirit. She’s proud of her child like any mother in the world.

Content: Mom Gen posts things about her personal life in here, most of them were her memorable moments in life. And that’s when she’s with her family. See “A Train Ride”. A short but meaningful post about how their family bonds together. Thanks for sharing those moments with us. She’s also sharing advices for everyone. Check out her posts about Adult Acne, Diet Pills and Acneticin. Her posts always come with a photo or two so you’ll always have something to stare at. And that “continue to read” button on her posts, it gives excitement to her readers to read what she got to say.

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Chuchie's Hideaway blog review


Site’s Name: Chuchie’s Hideaway. A place where Chuchie Wilks can express and share her thoughts, feelings, opinions, helpful information, everyday highlight of her life and everything under the sun. A perfect name for a girl who loves to voice out things in her own way.

Site’s Layout: Pink. That’s how I describe it. My favorite color. Pink. I love how the layout was made. Pink bricks for the background and pink pencil that serves as navigation. I say it is unique because it is the first time saw something like this. I also like the header of the page. You can see a girl. Yes a girl. Or lady is a perfect term for it. A lady who is brave enough to voice out her thoughts, ideas and express herself to the whole wide world. And yes, it’s that lady who made this gorgeous layout of this blog with an inspiration from Charmskin of course.

Contents: As said earlier, her posts contain things mostly about her opinion to the world. Well, I love her Sunday Stealing section. It is done every Sunday. It’s dedicated for those who want to become a thief for a while and have fun for a while. And read this post about her cute fashionista puppy, Chizka. Her hubby wrapped a towel on the head of the puppy for a show. I found it entertaining. I guess her posts have a sense of entertainment, a worthy post to read. I guess that’s how she was able to gain a ton of followers, because of her interesting topics.

Happy reading!

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Home Buddies blog review

Home Buddies

Home Buddies, a blog owned by Fedhz. Supposed to be, this should be niche blog, a blog where you would write reviews of online and offline revenue gigs. But, because it was named after her, her nickname, she decided to use it as her personal blog.

Site’s Title: Home Buddies is the respective title of the blog. Fedhz and her boyfriend, Mike, website designer/programmer, coined the name together. Fedhz said, “I guess he really meant, home bodies (he’s not that good in spelling LOL).”

Layout: The layout is composed of three columns, marked with three colors, a shade of brown, orange and blue. The site’s title is written on the header with a stylish accent and a beautiful flower with a butterfly on it. My favorite part of the layout is the small butterfly on the right corner of the screen. See, if you scroll down your screen the little butterfly would stay on the same place where it was located before. And, if you click on it, you would be directed back to the top.

Contents: Most of the topics of this blog are about Fedhz’ perspective to the world, her interests, and much more topics related to her personal life. Anyway, not because most of its contents are personal do not mean you can’t relate with it. Check out her post concerning what she thinks regarding the importance of About Me section in a blog. I can totally relate with it because that section is the most significant part of a blog for me aside from the actual blog post of the author of the blog.
So, happy reading guys!

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My Red Hot Review blog review


I believe My Red Hot Review is a sub blog of Red is Marose.

Just as what the title says, the blog is about high quality reviews, but the blog is ain’t for blog reviews only. Marose, the owner of the blog, a wife and mother, a Filipina at heart, sometimes posts thing related to her. Check out her first Red Hot Tag. She was tagged here by Mary of South Loves North. Of course, the tag itself contains questions that deal with personal life and interests.

Layout: I can feel the heat of this place. My Red Hot Review’s place has a red blazing bonfire on it. Red is the main color of course, and graphics has a soft texture. The navigations look like wooden signs, something you will see when you trail on the mountains. You should never miss the burning wooden post feed button on the top right corner it. I just thought that the thing is cool and unique. Personally, I love rounded edges because they look professional and artistic. So I guess thumbs up for the whole layout, neat and clean, neh!

Just some things I want to say. I suppose it would be better if Marose would remove the uhm, automatic border of each pictures. I mean, like on her signature, the redamethyst on the bottom of each posts, it was not made transparent without a reason right. And besides, most pictures would look much better without border. Well, it still depends on her.

Anyway, I like this blog better than your other blog. I think it’s much organized, and it looks clean.

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My Simple Life blog review


Today, we will review My Simple Life, a blog owned by Kayth also known as Kasai. In her blog, she explained how Kasai became part of her. She said that the name was given to her last 2004 when she joined a Japanese company and since then she kept it as my alias.

Layout: The first time you’ll go here, you can’t help but notice the lively banner of this blog, a place where there are beautiful flowers and colorful butterflies. Try moving your cursor on it and you’ll see how the clouds will move to the direction of the mouse. I found it entertaining on my part.

The layout was also color-coordinated. You can see how well they complement each other. The sidebar and bottom part was also organized but I suppose, putting Blog History on the side bar would be better for an easier navigation to the reader.

Content: Most of her posts were brief and accompanied by pictures. She blogs about her life, like how she shares what she feels during her pregnancy days. She also blogs about fashion. Check out “My Finds and Eastwood City”, where she shared what clothes she bought for this summer. She blogs about everything. That’s the good thing about here. She blogs anything under the sun so her readers won’t get bored. You can also see how active she was as a voter last election when she shared to everyone the Philippine 2010 Election Guide. As you may know, Philippines just started their first automated election so we all hoped for a success.

So, over-all, I think her blog rocks. With a simple layout and creative style of writing, I bet she’ll gain a lot of followers.

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Red is Marose blog review


Red is Marose, a nice name for a blog. I’ve been called Marose by some of my classmates too but it never occurred to me to use this name for a blog. Kudos for you Sis!

Site’s Layout: Layout is the first thing you’ll notice about a blog. The same here. You’ll notice the eye catching red background color of this place. I know red is an excellent color but I believe it does not compliment the white and pink color of the blog, and the header as well. Anyway, I think the header is pretty nice. “Simple Pero Rock”. Simple but it Rocks. I suppose the header banner would stand out if you will put a darker background. The sidebar was well organized, too. A sign of simplicity of a person.

She posts things about gadgets, her life, her passion and all sorts of topics under the sun. You’ll never get bored. I learned things like this Online Backup for files in your computer. It is the method of storing your documents or files or even the entire content of your hard drive in a remote server. Oh, there’s such thing as that. I never know till I read it there. And that outdoor fireplace thingy. We’ll, it’s not a good idea to put a fireplace is tropical country like us but she gave me an idea. I would like to be an architect someday so, I guess that outdoor fireplace may be my gateway to achieve my dreams.

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Life Can;t Wait blog review


So, well review Mizhelle’s blog today. The first thing you’ll notice about this place is the banner of course. See the slogan, “Life Can’t Wait” “Life is a series of experiences, so live life as if everything is a miracle”. The slogan is very inspiring. Every day is a new day so everyone should cherish each moments passing by because they’ll never return back. So true and so moving.

Site’s Layout: Anyway, I have a soft spot for pink and flowers. So all I can say thumbs p for the layout. But I guess she should arrange contents of the bottom bar. Her “About Me” section should be placed above, in the sidebar so anyone who’ll pass her blog will easily see who the owner of this awesome blog is. I believe those buttons there should be centered and aligned in pyramid-like form. I guess it will look neat in that way.

Contents: Her posts are brief but clear as well. Most of her blog posts also contain a corresponding picture. Each post contains a post recommendation on the bottom of each. I believe post recommendation is a great way to keep your blog posts and topic alive with each passing year. Not only can it keep the readers busy reading your blog but it can get them out of boredom.

Mizhelle’s blog also contains Metallic Friday corner which is done every Friday. I believe this corner is about a short post about what she wants to tell her readers. And the Wordless Wednesday corner which is done every Wednesday. She put pictures and a short caption as her post for that day. What can I say, a picture speaks a thousand words right.

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Recaptured Moments blog review

Recaptured Moments

This one is an inspiring blog that belongs to Rache of Racheblog. This place is dedicated to her family, since nowadays, not everyone in this world could be together because of certain circumstances between them. To keep in touch with her family, she made a blog solely devoted to keep them updated with the latest events in their life.

Site’s Name: The site’s name is well thought. Recaptured Moments simply stands for the moments that they shared with each other.

Site’s Layout: The layout is simple. The header banner has those flowers and butterflies which I suppose stands for each of their family members. The garden is their home. And no matter what happens, home is where their heart will always be. White and pink is also a good combination so I agreed with how she used it. Pink stands for femininity and white is for simplicity.

Generalization: I believe the site will inspire every reader to make a blog dedicated for their families as well. Blogging is not all about writing your life, it’s also about sharing your life to those around you. Again, the best thing about this place is you can share posts you like on a click of a hand on Facebook, Twitter and Google Buzz. These social networks are handy in case you want to share to your family what’s happening to your life. Check out how she's preparing for the 2nd birthday of their child. They also dedicated her birthday to God. God Bless you guys!

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KikamzPera blog review


When I first visit the site I thought it was owned by a child because of the header banner and the color combination of the layout of the whole place. I think the address and the layout of the blog don’t complement each other. I mean, the address of the blog which is KikamzPera has the touch of maturity and the whole place looks childish to me.

Site's Layout: Anyway, if we’ll just talk about the layout, I guess everything is fine in that part. The color combinations were relaxing to the eyes and the banner is pretty amazing. Everything is in place and the floral divider is what I love the most on the layout.

Contents: I can pretty much relate of the content of the posts. It doesn’t just tackle a certain topic but it reflects what it meant to say to the readers. I can get this friendly vibes while reading it. Like the author is really talking to me in the first place.

Generalization: Thumbs up for this blog. The address of the blog is the only thing I think is out of place here. I suppose the reason for the childish touch of the blog is because the author is a parent, a mother to her child, so I guess she’s dedicating the layout of this blog to her special someone, her child. Check out her post about what she thinks about being a parent before and what she's experiencing about being a parent today.

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RacheBlog review

Rache The Blogger

What caught my attention on this blog the first time I went here was the banner and the site’s name. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination or what but I can feel the connection between the “One Day at a Time” and the girl smiling with a laptop on the table on the header’s banner. Believe me if I say that I kept gazing at the girl in the banner and my mind is telling me that she’s alive and smiling at me. I guess the banner is one of the assets of the place because it attracted me somehow and I believe the others were, too.

Site’s Layout: The dark brown background complimented the main page color. And it’s pleasing on one’s eyes. Now I know that lime, dark brown and bluegreen work best together. Anyway, the sidebar is well arranged, I can see the pyramid-like arrangement of the statistic of the blog.

Generalization: Most of the posts I read were about the author’s life and some tips for us. Check out how she enjoys her Mini Moment in her life. The contents were short but I suppose the ideas were explained clearly. The best thing about this place is you can share posts you like on a click of a hand on Facebook, Twitter and Google Buzz. You’ll never get lost on the topic you want to read because of the post recommendations on the bottom of each blog posts she writes.

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My Thoughts, My Hear, My Turf

My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf

Site’s Name: The site’s name tells what the place is all about. My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf. It’s about the author’s passion, her dreams, and about what she thinks on a certain thing.

Site’s Layout: The header and the floral designs what made the layout attractive. But I think the site’s main color should be change to a lighter one to make it livelier. Pink will be do if the author really wants something with a shade of violet. There are also lots of banners all over the layout so I feel it’s quite messy here but they’re already organized to categories so I suppose the author pretty strict about this thing. I suggest she put the blog archive on the sidebar so it’ll be easier for other to read her older posts.

Generalization: Over-all, the site is impressing because of its contents. I can relate on her posts and sometimes, I get some ideas from here, too. Based on the posts I have read, the author is frank on what she thinks. She’ll tell what she wants direct to the point, so her posts would be brief but clear. A picture per post would attract more readers to your blog.

Also check out her first time joining Monday Mayhem. I am sure you will laugh out loud at what she got to say. They are entertaining and I am sure you will enjoy. Take your time reading!

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May 29, 2010

Yashiro: Post... Drop... Cash...



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